CURBS Unpacked

A new and unique hands-on reflective learning programme for church-linked children’s workers and was launched in 2009.   It is particularly designed for those working with children who have already had a good deal of practical experience and who want to develop their understanding of issues further. It is not a course in basic children’s work skills.

Together we want to ‘unpack’ the key aspects of the CURBS’ approach.  We believe these are really important for the way we understand children and the way we work with them. Sessions include: developing a healthy sense of self, releasing creativity, being childlike, nurturing an all-age community.

It's Unique

  • it’s not about doing training but about producing people
  • it’s learning that grows and develops as you grow and develop
  • it’s about helping you to recognise and value what you’re already doing with children – and building your self esteem
  • it’s about changing attitudes
  • it’s ‘transformational’ learning: it transforms the learner

It’s hands-on and reflective

  • it’s a type of learning that involves action research; there is input, then hands-on work, then reflection
  • we put the input into practice then return to reflect on it

Click below to download an information flyer.


Email CURBS below if you're interested in being part of the course or exploring hosting it.

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